Direcção Artística GUELRA: Cristina Mendanha
Concepção: Sabina Aeschlimann
Intérpretes: Sabina Aeschlimann; David Ramalho; Agata Pankowska; Celeste Lopez; Garazi Pablogorran Prieto; Clarisse Mialet
Registo fotográfico /vídeo- Catarina Almeida
Parceiro: GNRation/ i2ADS
Programação GNRation: Luís Fernandes
Assistência de produção GUELRA: Gabriela Barros
Período: 16/06 - 21/06
Apresentação: 21 Julho às 17:00
Local: Gnration
Manifestation of Fear
A obra “Manifestation of Fear” (ou “Manifestação do Medo”) é uma obra de dança contemporânea que expressa o corpo e os movimentos que são causados pelo medo emocional e subjetivo.
Como é que o medo pode ser materializado e incorporado fisicamente nos 7 performers e como pode isso afetar os seus mecanismos e auto-compreensão?
A companhia KittyKing investiga a sua história particular para detetar as origens de algumas das suas ansiedades, como abuso, violação, VIH, aborto e solidão.
“Manifestation of Fear” estabelece uma atmosfera onde se podem desenrolar, sobrepor e transformar cenas imprevistas. Os medos que eram pessoais podem agora divagar e tomar diferentes corpos ou situações e alterar a sua aparência. Desta maneira, o medo pode ser processado de diferentes maneiras, entre a tragédia e a comédia. Ao mesmo tempo, a obra reflete a identidade intercultural dos protagonistas e a possibilidade coletiva de construir um discurso artístico único, baseado no medo, que é um dos sentimentos primários do ser humano, e as suas manifestações.
Sabina Aeschlimann
Sabina Aeschlimann studied "Music and Movement" at the Art School in Zurich; ZHDK and deepened her dance and performative training in the master "Rhythmic Performance" in Germany. Sabina Aeschlimann gained further experience in contemporary dance in Switzerland , Germany, Austria, Italy and Polen.
Together with Hannah Jäkel, Sabina Aeschlimann investigates contemporary movement concepts and also researches combinations of performative methods with opera and old music.
The interdisciplinary work with dance, performing arts and music design is an important part of Sabina Aeschlimann's work alongside with opera. With different collectives she worked as dancer and choreographer in pieces such as „Baushtelle“ in Prishtina, „O“ at Gessnerallee in Zurich, „Gala“ from Jerome Bel in Basel and many more.
In addition to the artistic stage work, Sabina Aeschlimann works as an assistant director at the opera house with a detour into conversion assistance and choreographic consulting for opera directors.
At the moment Sabina Aeschlimann lives in Bologna and completes the professional training program Art "Factory International" under the direction of Brigel Gjoka.
The contemporary dance piece «Manifestation of Fear» expresses the body and movement artifacts that are caused by emotional and subjective fear.
How does fear embodies in the physical matter of the six per- formers and how does it affect their mechanics and self-understanding?
The company Kittyking investigates their own particular history to detect the roots of some of their anxieties, namely abuse, violation, HIV, abortion, solitude, and deficiency. They locate, isolate and extract the specific signatures of the resulting routines, body symptoms and behavior patterns in their mind and body. They evoke and reshape their own traumas and experiences of fear and adapt it on stage into choreographic/performative scenes/mechanics in a collage-like metaphor «Manifestation of Fear» establishes an atmosphere in which unpredictable events can occur, overlay and transform. The once personal fears can now wander and overtake different hosts or situations and alter in their appearance and personal handling. The same fear can be processed in different angles between tragedy and comedy. At the same time, the piece reflects the intercultural identity of the protagonists and the collective possibility of constructing a unique artistic speech based on this most existential of human emotions.
The Company
We, the Kittyking Dance Company, are an adhoc formation that emerged from our encounter and collaboration in the "Art Factory International" contemporary dance program in Bologna. Our project Manifestations of Fear became more condensed after several detached improvisations and spontaneous table discussions in the "Silent Family". The Silent Family is the synonym for a flat we share, in which we must always be quiet from 20:00, because otherwise the lower neighbor could complain. That would result a sacking. Here we learned to dance quietly on socks through the night. Why is that relevant? Because we were talking about this project so far only whispering and the research contribution is the desire of the outcry.
The collaboration between us, seven dancers from seven countries and two continents, is not primarily based on efficiency, but on our interaction, our diverse personalities, cultures and ultimately the friendships that have developed. Each one of the participating dancers fascinates the other and challenges them at the same time. If you work closely together physically, you also get faster into more intimate conversations. Fates come to light, fears, uncertainties that touch, shock, or throw each one back onto themselves. Deep inside, we have all the bodies trying to shut off the fears of the outside so to be not be overwhelmed by it.
The dancers of the group share individual fates but they want to collectively shape them. They are not concerned with the clarity of events, or with the judgment display or evaluation of their suffering. The project is not a therapy. We all know that. Manifestations of Fear is our need to address these fears, these experiences of violence and paradoxes in us with movement and in images, far from a explanation. The manifestations that are presented here are not simple causal effects. A) does not explain B). Abuse does not explain an invisible man. It is a speechless argument, out of the stomach, out of the throat and out of lust. The dance is our confrontation. We all have their physical characteristics and are not afraid to integrate them into our expression. Manifestations of Fear is a contemplation of these specific physical phenomena that are simply too powerful to be simply pressed into a gracious form.
16 a 21 julho – residência artística
21 JULHO– apresentação pública final
HORA – 17:00

Fotografia | Video
Catarina Almeida