Realização Play Bleu
Direcção Artística Cristina Mendanha
conceção do projeto – Maria Ines Villasmil
música - Rui Dias
vídeo - Filipe Lopes
luz - João Coutada
Portugal - Braga 2017
Dança líquida numa vida líquida
A proposta para esta residência artística é inspirada pelo conceito de 'sociedade líquida', um termo criado pelo sociólogo Zygmunt Bauman e o principal motor dessa proposta.
Como podem ainda os praticantes de movimentos e bailarinos desenvolver práticas numa sociedade que exige destes uma reinvenção constante do eu, das práticas e crenças, mas também dos lugares onde vivem, trabalham e até o tipo de relacionamento com o qual tem com outros, num contexto público, mas também no privado?
Liquid Dance é uma tentativa de desenvolver uma prática de dança num mundo que está em constante transformação e modernidade, com todas as suas implicações.
Maria Ines Villasmil
Depois de uma carreira como socióloga e tendo desenvolvido uma carreira paralela de dança, Maria Ines Villasmil mudou-se para a Holanda para obter uma licenciatura da Escola de Desenvolvimento de Nova Dança (SNDO) no Amsterdam Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. Em 2004, Maria recebeu o mestrado em coreografia e novos meios de comunicação e, mais recentemente, obteve um MBA em Indústrias Criativas e Gestão Cultural da Universidade de Salamanca, em Espanha. Desde 2002, é professora docente da Escola de Artes de Amsterdão.
Liquid Dance in a Liquid Life
The practice of “liquidity” inside of a Dance Context
What does mean for us as movers and dancer practitioners to live in a social environment that is constantly changing and is becoming less certain? In other words, what does mean for us as human beings and dance practitioners to be confronted by living in a “liquid society” a term created by sociologist Zygmunt Bauman and main stimulus to this proposal.
The concept of “liquid life” developed by Bauman is the inspiration to develop a proposal that will have as a main interest the creation of a space in which a collective of dancers will explore some of the elements implied in the times we are facing and the consequences of living in a modern society. In this order of ideas, I ask myself how is this “liquidity” present in our lives and dance practices. How we manage to constantly shift and reshape our believes and as a consequence our body practices?
For the workshop we will use several improvisation practices supported by a dance training informed by several release techniques.
The proposal for this Artistic Residency hosted by GNRation is inspired in the concept of “liquid society” a term created by sociologist Zygmunt Bauman and the main motor to this proposal.
How we can still developing our practices in a society that demands from us a constant reinvention of our-self, of our practices, of our believes, but also, the places where we live, we work and even the kind of relationship we have with others, in a public context but also in the privet one?
Liquid Dance is an attempt to develop a dance practice in a world that is in constant transformation and modernity with all the implications of it.
María Inés Villasmil VEN/NL
After a career as a sociologist and having developed a parallel dance career, she moved to Holland to pursue a BA from the School for New Dance Development (SNDO) at the Amsterdam Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. In 2004 Maria received her Master’s degree in Choreography and New Media and more recently, Maria obtained an MBA in Creative Industries and Cultural Management from the University of Salamanca, Spain. Since 2002, she is a faculty teacher of the Amsterdam School of Arts.
Período: 11/12 - 16/12
Apresentação: 16 Dezembro às 16:00
Local: Gnration
















Fotografia Cristina Mendanha